Weight Loss*
Weight Loss Hypnotherapy
The Mindset Clinic in Watford, Hertfordshire can help you to lose weight effortlessly and easily.
We help many people to achieve and maintain their ideal weight using our advanced weight loss hypnotherapy.*
There is much research to support the therapeutic effects of hypnotherapy for aiding weight loss, stopping sugar addiction curbing binge eating, increasing healthy food choices and boosting motivation. In one study those who learnt self-hypnosis lost twice as much weight as those who didn’t and in another study, kept it off for two years after treatment ended. Weight loss hypnotherapy has remained a bit of a well-kept weight loss secret!
If you answer yes to the following questions perhaps you would like to contact us for a free 30 minute telephone consultation:
- Is weight loss a constant battle for you?
- Would you like to feel good about yourself and lose that excess weight that you have gained?
- Would you like to keep it off and adopt a new healthy lifestyle for good?
- Perhaps you are you fed up of yo-yo dieting?
- Maybe you find it hard to stick to a long term healthy eating plan?
- Possibly the thought of dieting makes you eat more?
- Maybe you dislike what you see in the mirror and hide your figure under baggy clothing?
- It’s likely that you find it challenging to find the time to exercise.
- Do you think diets are about depriving yourself and are hard work?
- Have you screwed up your metabolism from trying fad diets or taking diet pills?
So how would you like to find healthy eating natural and easy?*
Do you like the idea of being highly motivated so that you look forward to exercising? Would you like to be more in control of what you eat instead of giving in to cravings? Would you like to feel confident and attractive in whatever you choose to wear?
It’s not rocket science – we all know that if we consume more calories than we use up we put on weight. So why do some people find it so difficult to stick to a diet, adopt healthy eating or exercise more? Getting into the right mindset is crucial but that’s easier said than done if you use conscious will power alone.
The problem is that many of our eating habits are driven by unconscious emotions, we feel sad we bring out a tub of ice cream, we feel happy we celebrate by knocking back a few glasses of prosecco, we are too tired to cook so we order a takeaway. We reward ourselves with food and we associate different food with different emotions.
The beliefs you hold about yourself are also important. If you have low self-esteem you may not feel that you can stick to a diet or believe you can look attractive and so you unconsciously sabotage your efforts.
How to lose weight effortlessly and easily*
The Mindset Clinic’s approach to weight loss is more than just about healthy eating. The Mindset Clinic’s Weight Loss Hypnotherapy Programme covers motivation, stress, overcoming cravings, increasing self-esteem and identifying why you over eat. Here’s how we approach our advanced weight loss hypnotherapy protocol:
- Connect with the part of your mind that tries to sabotage your efforts to lose weight.
- Clarify and set goals for weight loss and motivation.
- Teach you how to visualise your future body to enable you to see the person you want to be and can be.
- Re-programme your mind to dislike the foods that are bad for you and like the foods that are good for you.
- Neutralise the triggers that cause you to over eat or make unhealthy choices. We teach you the skills you need to stay slim and healthy for life.
- Change the way you view food and exercise so that you want to eat healthily, you will want to get fit and stay fit and we can encode your brain so that you find it easy.
As well as offering hypnotherapy for weight loss The Mindset Clinic also offers a Virtual Gastric Band service. Rebecca Sanderson is a fully trained Clinical Hypnotherapist and Master NLP Practitioner she has taken additional training so that she can fit virtual gastric bands. Click here for more information on how a virtual gastric band could help you.
So get in touch today to find out more about our Weight Loss Programme. Please email rebecca@themindsetclinic.co.uk or call 07803 603 882.

Director of The Mindset Clinic
Or fill in the contact form below and I will get back to you as soon as possible…
This site does not provide medical advice. Any medical questions should be directed to your personal doctor. The content is for informational purposes only. Consult with your Doctor (GP) on all medical issues regarding your condition and its treatment. Always seek the advice of your medical professional before making any changes to your treatment.
Whilst we promise to do our best to help you each individual responds differently so we tailor your therapy to best match your needs, individual requirements and personality type. We make no guarantee that we can solve your issues. It is our intention to help you to help yourself, by facilitating a deep understanding and awareness of what is actually troubling you and helping you to empower yourself to make the appropriate changes. We help you to facilitate change we do not wave magic wands!
Results may vary from person to person.